Rehabilitation after Rhinoplasty

If you follow your doctor's recommendations and prescriptions, you will be satisfied with the results of your rhinoplasty surgeryRhinoplasty is a plastic surgery that allows you to effectively correct the consequences of trauma, completely restore tissue structure, correct nasal breathing, and also adjust the shape or size of your nose for aesthetic purposes.The operation is a complex surgical procedure, since this organ is constantly functioning, participating in the breathing process, warming, moisturizing and disinfecting the air. Due to its complexity, the recovery period requires more time than other types of plastic correction and requires the patient to strictly follow the surgeon's recommendations and prescriptions.The speed and characteristics of recovery vary from person to person and depend on many factors: the complexity and number of surgical interventions, the method of correction, the patient's health, the qualifications of the doctor, etc.

Recovery stage after rhinoplasty surgery

The exact duration of the recovery period is determined individually for each clinical situation, but any recovery can be conditionally divided into several stages.

The day of rhinoplasty surgery

Correction lasts on average 2-4 hours and is usually performed under anesthesia, so the patient is observed in the clinic on the first day after the intervention. Lethargy, weakness, and apathy may persist for a few hours, but these symptoms soon disappear and the patient can move independently and eat after 3-4 hours. Nasal breathing difficulties may occur due to nasal splinting and swelling. Hematomas often appear around the eyes and near the nose. The next day, the patient received all necessary advice and was discharged home.

Phase 1 – The first 7 days after correction

During this time, the patient's nose is splinted to prevent structural displacement, and a silicone splint is inserted into the nasal passages to maintain nasal breathing. All of these can cause discomfort in the first few days—constriction, foreign body sensation, heaviness. Additionally, the early postoperative period is characterized by pain, severe swelling, and possible hematoma.At this stage, you need to take the medicine recommended by your doctor, rinse your nose, get enough rest, avoid any physical activity, sleep on your back, raise the head of the bed, and don't wear makeup.

Phase 2 - 7-14 days after plastic surgery

The patient's health improved, the pain disappeared, the hematoma subsided, and major swelling began to subside but remained at the tip of the nose, back, and sides. About 10 days later, the doctor removed the plaster splint, sutured it, and removed the splint. Restrictions on physical activity, hot and cold water procedures, use of decorative cosmetics and exposure to sunlight remain in place.

Stage Three - 2 weeks to 1 month after rhinoplasty

All signs of surgery on the face disappeared and the shape of the nose improved. At the end of the third stage, physical therapy is required to strengthen the new structure of the nose. After 3-4 weeks, patients can return to their normal pace of life and go to work.

Stage 4 - 6 months to 1 year

During this period, the nose acquires the desired ideal shape, scars become invisible and all tissues are completely restored, while any restrictions and prohibitions are lifted. After one year, cosmetic surgery in the nose area is allowed.

What should patients pay special attention to during recovery?

Special attention must be paid to nasal hygiene and safety. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
  • Do not remove or trim sutures yourself;
  • Avoid mechanical impact on the nasal area;
  • Treat the surgical site with antiseptic solution to prevent infection;
  • When there is secretion, do not blow your nose and clean the nasal passages carefully with a sterile cotton swab;
  • Sea salt solution is allowed to be used to rinse the nose.
If you develop symptoms such as high fever (temperature above 38 degrees Celsius), nausea, rash, congestion, increased pain at the intervention site, persistent nosebleeds, shortness of breath, etc. , you should see a plastic surgeon immediately.

Plastic surgeon's advice on speeding up and easing recovery

In order to make the recovery period faster, as comfortable as possible and without complications, it is recommended to adopt some of the surgeon's recommendations, namely:
  • After manual treatment, sleep on your back with the head of the bed elevated. This will increase the outflow of fluid from the head and make the swelling less obvious;
  • Use a cold compress to reduce swelling - place the compress on the area next to your nose, not the organ itself;
  • After the splint is removed, massage can be performed with the purpose of activating facial lymph nodes, thereby reducing swelling, improving blood supply and regeneration (active movements are not accepted, massage is done with gentle pressure with fingers, the principle is: "finger touch") "-" Light pressure 30Seconds"-"let go");
  • To absorb hematoma faster, you can use special ointments recommended by your doctor.
Physiotherapy procedures have also proven effective; patients receive microcurrent, ultrasound therapy, phonophoresis and mesotherapy. All surgeries are performed after the bandage is removed; the specific type and frequency of surgery is determined by the doctor based on the patient's condition.

Make an appointment with a plastic surgeon after surgery

Patients must see their plastic surgeon for follow-up visits at specific times:
  • 7 days after operation;
  • 1 month after intervention;
  • Two months later;
  • Within 3 months;
  • within six months;
  • Within a year.
After about 7-10 days, your doctor will remove the cast. If the condition worsens or complications arise, an urgent visit to a surgeon is required.Routine check-ups by the plastic surgeon during recovery after rhinoplasty surgery

using drugs

The use of any topical and systemic medications should only be done as prescribed by the plastic surgeon. If necessary, analgesics can be recommended to relieve pain, diuretics to reduce swelling, drugs to improve microcirculation, and postoperative vitamin therapy in autumn and winter. Rinse your nose with a sea salt solution; ointments are sometimes recommended to optimize blood flow and lymphatic drainage.

Nutrition and Diet

The postoperative period involves some dietary restrictions. An important condition for correct and rapid regeneration is facial rest, so it is recommended to minimize the activity of the masticatory muscles.You should adhere to a light liquid diet on the day of plastic surgery, and you can eat regularly the next day. However, you must avoid rough, hard, and chewy foods within two weeks. The food itself should be at a comfortable temperature. For one month after plastic surgery, it is recommended to limit salty, sweet, and smoked foods, which can trap fluid in the body and increase swelling. To improve metabolic processes, it is recommended to adhere to partial balanced meals - 5-6 times a day.


Rhinoplasty surgery does not limit the patient's social life, but during the recovery period it is recommended that you pay more attention to your health and pay attention to your personal feelings: if any actions are accompanied by discomfort, then you should avoid performing these procedures. It is also recommended to refuse during recovery:
  • Active nose blowing - only careful cleaning of the nasal passages is allowed;
  • Lying on your stomach and side - preferably on your back;
  • Wear any eyeglasses, including corrective lenses, for at least 2 months;
  • weightlifting and physical activity;
  • Visit to solarium, hammam, sauna;
  • Showering in extreme temperatures.
All kinds of traditional medical experiments are strictly prohibited, especially "solutions" made from food, hot compresses made from salt, etc. Another thing to remember is to stay off your nose for the first two weeks, so be careful with a comfortable wardrobe, preferably clothes with zippers or buttons.

visible results

The first visible results can be assessed approximately one month after correction, when postoperative symptoms disappear. The nose shape will be more defined after 6-8 months, and the final result can be achieved after one year. For non-surgical rhinoplasty, the final results are visible within a few hours of surgery.


  1. When can I go to a solarium after surgery?UV exposure and thermal effects dilate blood vessels and capillaries, causing bleeding, increasing swelling, and slowing soft tissue regeneration. You can go to a solarium up to 6 weeks after rhinoplasty, when the hematoma has completely subsided and the edema syndrome has passed.
  2. When can I exercise after rhinoplasty surgery?Physical exercise causes an increase in heart rate and blood circulation, especially in the face, so all activities must be postponed for 2-3 months, and professional sports resumed - at least six months.
  3. When can I have sex after rhinoplasty surgery?Sexual life is a very important physical activity and should be avoided within the first 2-3 weeks after correction, otherwise bleeding and swelling may increase, and any slight contact with the nose will deform the organ and affect the final result.
  4. When can I take a shower after surgery?You can take a bath 3-5 days after correction, and the water should be warm. It is important to avoid getting the plaster cast wet; it must be kept dry as the first replacement may need to be done at least 5 days after use.
  5. When can I drink alcohol after surgery?All alcoholic beverages contain ethanol, which without exception slows tissue regeneration and negatively affects blood vessels and heart, so it is extremely important to abstain from alcohol for at least a month after surgery.
  6. How long will swelling last after surgery?Tissue swelling is standard after rhinoplasty. Swelling peaks approximately 3 days after correction, when swelling of the nose, eyelids, cheeks, and in some cases the chin is noticeable, and then gradually begins to subside. Significant symptoms disappear within 1-3 weeks. Residual compaction that is invisible to others will disappear after 6-8 months.
  7. How long after surgery can I go to a bathhouse?Within 2 months after rhinoplasty surgery, do not expose your body to strong heat or sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, you should avoid bathing, sunbathing (including solariums) and contrast showers during this period.

in conclusion

Rhinoplasty is a fairly complex plastic surgery performed not only for cosmetic purposes but also for therapeutic purposes. The level of complexity is determined by the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the organ and its sequential functions. The duration of recovery after plastic surgery varies and depends on the type of surgical intervention, the complexity and extent of correction, and the patient's individual characteristics. In order to ensure that the recovery period is as comfortable and quick as possible, without various complications, and to ensure that the final result meets your wishes, it is extremely important to take the advice of your plastic surgeon responsibly during the postoperative period and strictly follow all his recommendationsinstruct.